4 dec. 2011


...sora mijlocie...

2 comentarii:

Teuvo Vehkalahti spunea...

Greetings from Finland. A blog is nice to get to know people from other countries, culture and nature. Come and see the pictures you Teuvo kuvat- Teuvo images of my blog and tell all your friends to my blog. Will be the same with your country's flag to higher flag collection in my blog Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland

Ana spunea...

Marta ma numesc atat
Si a doua sora sunt
Plec departe in capitala
Ca sa cresc acolo mare

Paru' mare il pieptan greu
Si-n cozi groase il prind mereu
Tuturor le place insa
Cu blandete sa-l atinga

Drum bun Marta! Sa cresti mare si sa fi fericita in noua familie.

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